Freedom to love the one you want is not taken for granted. Present and former generations, here and elsewhere have struggled and suffered for it.
In honor of the monument IHLIA developed the exhibition Monument of Pride in 2007, where people were interviewed about the meaning of this monument in their lives. Those different meanings are ranked under fourteen themes, each with their own banner in the exhibition.
On this website you can also find clips from the conversations.
The travelling exhibition
The exhibition can be seen in Amsterdam in the next couple of months:
17 January – 13 February 2018 – OBA Diemen (Wilhelminaplantsoen 126)
Organisation and interviews | Sebastiaan Kes
Original concept | Dineke Stam, Intercultural Museum and Heritage
Design and execution | Gemma Rameckers
English translation | Claudia Theile, Julian Ross
Photos | Marian Bakker, An Stalpers Fotografica Nijmegen, Nikolai van Nunen, Jan Carel Warffemius, Menne Vellinga, Richard Keldoulis
Print | RI Sign & Print
Thanks to | Homomonument Foundation and all who wanted to share their personal story